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Leagues Starting Soon!

Come and enjoy a wide range of shooting

activities for the entire family!

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•Trap - Skeet - Sporting Clays
•Rifle & Pistol Ranges

•High School Teams

•4-H Teams

•League Shooting

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Mission Statement:

The purpose of this non-profit corporation shall be to improve, obtain & foster the conservation of all wildlife & to do such legitimate acts which may be advisable & necessary to encourage & promote the betterment of hunting, fishing, & sporting conditions in the surrounding area; to encourage & promote the development of all conservation activities in the same area; to promote the responsible handling of firearms, improve marksmanship & provide a safe place to shoot; to encourage greater participation of our youth in all worthy projects designed for the advancement of their knowledge & education; to continue the education process into adult programs of this organization.  

23573 420th Place Aitkin, MN 56431 
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